DUI with hit-and-run


DUI Attorneys know that driving under the influence (DUI) is a severe offense in California, and when combined with a hit-and-run incident, the legal consequences can escalate dramatically. A DUI with hit-and-run refers to situations where a person, after being involved in an accident while intoxicated, flees the scene without providing contact information or assisting the injured. This action not only complicates the legal proceedings but also significantly increases the penalties that may be imposed. Understanding the weight of these consequences is crucial, whether you’re a driver in California or just passing through. In this blog, we’ll explore the serious legal repercussions involved in a DUI with a hit-and-run case, guiding you through the essential information and steps to take if faced with such an unfortunate scenario.

Understanding California DUI with Hit-and-Run

Definition and Legal Implications

In California, a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) with hit-and-run encompasses two separate offenses compounded into one serious incident. A DUI is committed when a driver operates a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, impairing their ability to drive safely. The legal threshold in California is a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. When this occurs in conjunction with a hit-and-run—leaving the scene of an accident without providing contact information or assisting the injured—both legal and ethical boundaries are crossed.

Legally, this combination intensifies the severity of the situation. A hit-and-run offense on its own is severe, but when combined with DUI, it suggests a higher level of recklessness. California law specifically addresses this by imposing stricter penalties which aim to deter such irresponsible behavior and ensure accountability. That’s why it is essential to consult with an experienced DUI lawyer.

Statistics on DUI with Hit-and-Run Incidents

Statistics from the California Highway Patrol and other law enforcement agencies highlight the troubling frequency of DUI incidents involving hit-and-runs. Although exact figures vary yearly, a concerning trend shows that DUI with hit-and-run incidents make up a significant percentage of all traffic offenses in the state. This statistic is alarming as it not only reflects the prevalence of driving under the influence but also a disregard for the consequences of leaving an accident scene. Law enforcement campaigns and public safety announcements continuously focus on reducing these numbers by emphasizing the grave consequences and encouraging public reporting of such incidents.

Consequences of California DUI with Hit-and-Run

Criminal Charges and Penalties

When charged with a DUI that includes a hit-and-run in California, the accused faces dual charges, each carrying its own set of penalties. For the DUI component, penalties can range from fines, mandatory DUI classes, and possible jail time for first-time offenders to significantly harsher penalties for repeat offenders—including longer jail terms and larger fines. You must consult with your DUI attorney for specifics of your case. The hit-and-run charge adds another layer of severity to the penalties. Depending on whether the hit-and-run involved property damage or bodily injury, the driver could face additional fines, felony charges, and an extended time in prison. Here’s a snapshot of potential criminal charges and penalties:

– DUI (first offense): Fines, license suspension, DUI education programs, and up to 6 months in jail.

– Hit-and-run (property damage only): Fines and up to 6 months in county jail.

– Hit-and-run (involving injury): Felony charges, fines, and up to four years in state prison, depending on the severity of the injuries.

Civil Liabilities and Consequences

Beyond criminal penalties, a defendant facing DUI with hit-and-run charges may also be subjected to civil liabilities. Victims of the incident can sue for damages that include medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and repair or replacement of property. Such civil suits can result in financial judgments that significantly exceed the original fines imposed under criminal law. It’s crucial for defendants to understand that these liabilities are not covered by criminal penalties and can persist long after any criminal case is resolved, impacting financial stability and personal assets.

Impact on Driver’s License and Insurance

The repercussions of a DUI with hit-and-run on a driver’s license are severe. Upon conviction, an individual can face an immediate suspension or revocation of their driver’s license by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This suspension can last from several months to several years, depending on the number of offenses and the specifics of the incident. Because there is a possible automatic suspension, you should consult a DUI attorney as soon as possible.

Insurance consequences are also considerable. Conviction can lead to what insurers call a “high-risk” status, which typically results in higher insurance premiums. In some cases, insurance providers may even choose to terminate a policy following such serious infractions. Recovering from this status can take years and requires maintaining a clean driving record.

By understanding the entire scope of legal and personal ramifications, individuals can better appreciate the seriousness of DUI with hit-and-run offenses in California. The legal landscape is structured not just to penalize but also to rehabilitate and deter future offenses, aiming for safer roads for everyone.

Legal Defenses for California DUI with Hit-and-Run

Possible Defense Strategies

If you’re facing charges for a DUI coupled with a hit-and-run in California, it’s crucial to know that several defense strategies may be available to you. Each case is unique, and a skilled DUI lawyer will be able to advise on the best approach based on the specifics of your situation. Some common defense strategies include:

– Lack of Knowledge: Arguing that you were unaware of the accident and therefore did not intentionally flee the scene. This could apply if the damage was minimal or if it occurred in a manner that the driver might not have noticed.

– Mistake of Fact: Believing that no damage or injury was caused, hence there was no need to stop or exchange information. This can be supported by showing lack of visible damage or confusion about the incident’s gravity.

– Duress or Necessity: Demonstrating that you left the scene under a threat or because stopping would have posed a greater danger at the moment.

– False Identification: Challenging the accusation that you were the driver at the time of the incident. This can include presenting alibis or evidence that points to a different individual being responsible.

These defenses require careful elaboration and robust supporting evidence, making the role of a dedicated DUI lawyer indispensable in navigating these complex legal waters.

Importance of Legal Representation

The complexities of facing a DUI with hit-and-run charges in California necessitate professional legal representation. Having an experienced DUI attorney is crucial as they bring a wealth of knowledge and resources that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. An attorney can help in several ways:

– Navigating Legal Nuances: Understanding all legal options and consequences is fundamental. A skilled lawyer will guide you through the array of procedural nuances and legal statutes related to your case.

– Building a Robust Defense: As mentioned earlier, crafting a defense strategy tailored to the specifics of your situation is crucial. A DUI attorney will gather evidence, witness testimonies, and expert consultations to strengthen your defense.

– Negotiation and Plea Bargaining: An attorney can negotiate terms with the prosecutors that may lead to reduced penalties or even a dismissal under certain circumstances.

– Emotional and Psychological Support: Facing criminal charges can be overwhelming. An experienced lawyer can ease the burden by handling the complexities of the case, allowing you to focus on personal recovery and rehabilitation.

In essence, the role of a DUI lawyer is pivotal in protecting your rights and achieving the best possible outcome in a DUI with hit-and-run case.

Seeking Help and Guidance After a California DUI with Hit-and-Run

Contacting Legal Professionals

After being involved in a DUI with a hit-and-run incident, the first step you should take is to contact a competent DUI attorney. Prompt legal consultation can significantly influence the defense process, as early intervention allows more room for evidence preservation and strategy planning. To find a reliable DUI lawyer, you can:

– Seek referrals: Ask friends or family for recommendations if they have had similar legal needs.

– Professional directories: Use state or local bar association directories to find lawyers who specialize in DUI and hit-and-run offenses.

– Online reviews: Research prospective attorneys through online review platforms to gauge past client experiences.

Make sure to schedule consultations with a few different DUI lawyers so you can choose the one who best suits your needs.

Understanding the Legal Process

Comprehending the trajectory of a DUI with hit-and-run case will help you manage expectations and participate actively in your defense. The legal process typically involves several stages:

– Initial Arrest and Charges: Law enforcement will conduct an investigation, which might include gathering surveillance footage, witness statements, and physical evidence.

– Arraignment: You will be formally read your charges and asked to plead.

– Pretrial Motions and Hearings: Your attorney might file motions to suppress evidence or dismiss charges based on legal technicalities.

– Trial: If the case goes to trial, both the defense and prosecution will present their arguments, after which the jury or judge will make a decision.

– Sentencing: If convicted, the sentencing phase will follow the trial, where penalties are imposed.

Each of these steps requires careful preparation and knowledgeable handling, reinforcing the need for experienced legal assistance in navigating the complex DUI and hit-and-run legal landscape in California.


Navigating the complexities of a DUI combined with a hit-and-run offense in California can be incredibly daunting. The penalties are severe, aiming to deter individuals from committing similar offenses in the future. If you find yourself or a loved one in such a situation, seeking the assistance of an experienced DUI lawyer is crucial. Their expertise can guide you through the legal maze and potentially mitigate the repercussions. Remember, each decision you make post-incident can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Act wisely and seek legal help promptly.