Driving under the influence (DUI) charges often hinge on the results of a breath test. These tests are widely regarded as an efficient means to measure blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and ensure road safety. However, the accuracy and reliability of breath tests can sometimes be called into question. Challenging the breath-test results in a DUI case involves understanding the nuances of how these tests work, recognizing potential flaws, and seeking the assistance of a competent Orange DUI lawyer.

Understanding Breath Tests
Breath tests are typically conducted using a device called a breathalyzer, which estimates BAC by measuring the amount of alcohol in a person’s breath. The device assumes that the amount of alcohol in the breath is directly proportional to the amount of alcohol in the blood.
The breathalyzer provides quick results and is less invasive than blood tests. However, several variables can influence its accuracy, such as improper calibration, officer error, or the presence of substances that can interfere with the results. Thus, understanding the limitations of breath tests is vital for anyone seeking to challenge their results.
Calibration and Maintenance Issues
A properly functioning breathalyzer device is critical to the accuracy of breath test results. These devices require regular calibration and maintenance to ensure they operate correctly. A breathalyzer that is not routinely calibrated or maintained can produce inaccurate readings.
Calibration involves setting the device to known standards, ensuring the readings fall within a designated range. When a breathalyzer is poorly calibrated, it can either under report or over report BAC levels. Identifying calibration logs and maintenance records is crucial for an Orange County DUI lawyer working to challenge the breath test results.
Officer Error During Administration

The accuracy of breath test results can be compromised if the test is not administered correctly. Officers must follow specific protocols to ensure reliable results. For instance, the subject MUST be observed for at least 15 minutes before the test to ensure they have not consumed any substances that could affect the reading or burped during this period. If a subject burps or belches, however slight, alcohol form the stomach can be moved to the mouth and compromise the test.
Improper administration can lead to false positives or otherwise skewed results. A seasoned Orange County DUI lawyer can investigate whether the arresting officer followed the correct procedures during the administration of the breath test. If it is found that the process was improperly followed, the results of the test may be deemed unreliable.
Medical Conditions and External Factors
Certain medical conditions and external factors can influence the accuracy of breath test results. For instance, individuals with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), diabetes, or those on specific medications may produce elevated BAC readings even if they have consumed little or no alcohol.
External factors such as mouthwash, cold medicine, or exposure to certain chemicals (e.g., paint fumes) can also cause falsely high BAC results. It is essential to provide a comprehensive medical history and list of any substances recently ingested to an Orange County DUI attorney, who can then inform the court of these potential inaccuracies when challenging the breath test results.
The Role of Residual Alcohol in the Mouth
Residual alcohol in the mouth can significantly affect breath test results. If a person has recently consumed an alcoholic beverage, even a small amount of alcohol can linger in the mouth and cause a higher BAC reading. This residual alcohol can come from various sources, such as a recent drink, mouthwash, or oral medications.
To account for residual alcohol, officers are supposed to observe the suspect for a specific “observation period” to ensure that no alcohol remains in the mouth before administering the test. Failure to adhere to this observation period can result in inaccurate BAC readings. An Orange DUI lawyer will investigate whether this observation period was legitimately conducted, and challenge the breath test results if it was not.
Inherent Limitations of Breathalyzers

It’s crucial to understand that breathalyzers inherently have limitations. These devices make assumptions about the average person’s physiology that may not apply to everyone. For instance, they assume a standard ratio of breath alcohol to blood alcohol, but this ratio can vary from person to person and even within the same individual at different times.
Breathalyzers may also be affected by environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, which can impact their readings. A DUI lawyer must be aware of these limitations and use them to build a case questioning the reliability of the breath-test results.
Legal Grounds for Challenging Breath Test Results
Challenging breath-test results in a DUI case requires a strategic and thorough approach. Several legal grounds can be explored to dispute the accuracy and reliability of these tests:
1. Questioning Device Accuracy: The defense can scrutinize the calibration, maintenance records, and overall reliability of the breathalyzer used.
2. Procedural Errors: Highlighting any procedural errors during the administration of the breath test can call the results into question.
3. External Substances: Demonstrating that external substances or medical conditions could have impacted the test results can be an effective strategy.
4. Violation of Rights: If the defendant’s rights were violated during the arrest or the administration of the breath test, this could lead to the dismissal of the test results.
The Importance of a Skilled DUI Lawyer

Challenging the results of a breath test is a complex process that requires extensive legal knowledge and experience. A skilled DUI lawyer is essential for navigating this intricate landscape. They have the expertise to dissect the scientific principles behind breathalyzers, identify procedural missteps, and effectively argue these points in court.
A competent Orange County DUI lawyer will meticulously examine the case details, from the moment of the traffic stop to the administration of the breath test. They will gather and scrutinize evidence, from calibration logs to bodycam footage, ensuring all angles are covered.
Case Histories and Precedents
Legal precedent plays a crucial role in challenging breath-test results. A DUI lawyer will delve into past cases where breath-test results were successfully challenged, identifying strategies and arguments that can be applied to the current case. This analytical approach allows for a robust defense, leveraging past judicial decisions to question the reliability of the breath test in question.
In summary, while breath tests are a common tool in DUI enforcement, they are not infallible. Calibration issues, officer error, certain medical conditions, and external factors can all compromise the reliability of breath test results. With the assistance of a knowledgeable Orange DUI attorney, there are multiple avenues through which the accuracy and validity of these tests can be challenged. It is through understanding these intricacies and leveraging legal expertise that defendants can seek a fair evaluation of their cases.