Can A DUI Affect My Real Estate License?

real estate license

Navigating the professional landscape of real estate in California involves adhering to various regulations, one of which includes maintaining a clean criminal record. For licensed real estate professionals, a conviction under VC 23152 — driving under the influence (DUI) in California — may present significant challenges that can affect their professional standing. Understanding how a DUI impacts a real estate license, and the role of the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) in such circumstances, is crucial for anyone in the industry facing this legal hurdle.

The Role of the California Department of Real Estate

The California Department of Real Estate is tasked with the oversight of real estate licensing and practice within the state. Anyone wishing to obtain or maintain a real estate license must meet certain ethical and professional standards as set forth by the DRE. When a licensed professional is convicted of a DUI, it triggers a review process by the DRE to determine if the offense is “substantially related” to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a real estate professional.

Understanding “Substantially Related”

The primary question in determining whether a DUI affects one’s real estate license is whether the conduct underlying the offense is “substantially related” to the practice of real estate. The DRE uses this standard to evaluate if a DUI indicates a lack of professional competence or whether it could harm public trust in the profession. The substantial relationship criterion is generally interpreted to include actions that demonstrate a disregard for the law or the well-being of others, which can reflect poorly on one’s capacity to handle the responsibilities of a real estate professional.

Potential Consequences of a DUI on a Real Estate License

If the DRE finds a DUI conviction to be substantially related, several outcomes are possible. These include suspension, revocation, or even denial of a license application. Each case is reviewed individually, taking into account the specifics of the DUI incident, any previous history of violations, and the overall character of the licensee.

1. License Suspension or Revocation:

A DUI can lead to a temporary suspension or complete revocation of a real estate license. The severity of the penalty will often depend on the number of offenses (first-time vs. repeat DUI), the circumstances surrounding the offense, and any corrective actions taken by the licensee (such as completion of alcohol education programs).

2. Probationary Licenses:

In some cases, the DRE might allow continued practice under a probationary license, which typically involves strict conditions such as regular reporting to the DRE, completing certain education courses, or submitting proof of sobriety.

3. Application Denial:

For those seeking licensure, a DUI may cause the DRE to deny the application if it is deemed that the offense reflects poorly on the applicant’s qualifications for entering the real estate profession.

Legal Proceedings and the Office of Administrative Hearings

administrative hearing

If the DRE decides to pursue disciplinary action, the licensee is entitled to a hearing conducted by the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). This proceeding allows the individual to present evidence and argue that their DUI conviction should not impact their licensing status. An experienced Orange County DUI attorney can be instrumental in providing legal representation during these administrative proceedings, ensuring the licensee’s rights are protected and that their case is presented effectively.

Mitigating the Impact of a DUI on Your Real Estate Career

For those facing a DUI, taking proactive measures can help mitigate its impact on a real estate license. Here are key steps to consider:

1. Seek Legal Representation:

Engaging an Orange County DUI attorney critical. An Orange County DUI attorney can fight the underlying DUI and possibly avoid conviction for the DUI. Perhaps your Orange County DUI lawyer may be able to get the DUI charges reduced.

Remember, the DRE will only take action if you are convicted of DUI. A skilled Orange DUI lawyer will closely examine all the evidence, including the reason for the stop in the first place. If your Orange DUI attorney finds that there was not sufficient reasonable suspicion for the stop in the first place, he or she can bring a suppression motion. If the judge agrees with your DUI lawyer that the legal threshold of reasonable suspicion was not met, your DUI case will be dismissed for lack of evidence.

If your Orange County DUI lawyer can’t find grounds for dismissal, they may find triable issues in your case, such as a rising defense. If you go to trial and your Orange County DUI attorney gets a “not guilty” verdict, the DRE can take no action against your license. Moreover, if your Orange DUI attorney takes your case to trial, the DA may make an offer to settle the case, resulting in conviction of a lesser offense such as a wet reckless.

2. Demonstrate Rehabilitation:

Showing evidence of rehabilitation efforts, such as completing DUI programs, attending counseling, and maintaining a clean record post-conviction, can positively influence the DRE’s decision. It demonstrates a commitment to personal and professional improvement.

3. Collect Character References:

Submitting letters of recommendation from employers, colleagues, and community members can bolster a defense by highlighting the licensee’s moral character and competence in their professional field.

4. Stay Informed:

Understanding the implications of VC 23152 and how it relates to your profession is essential. Keeping informed on legal updates and DRE policies will better prepare you to address any potential issues arising from a DUI.

5. Consider Alternative Disciplinary Options:

Licensees can propose alternative disciplinary measures like ethical training courses or increased supervision if they are determined to continue practicing while upholding public trust.


A DUI under VC 23152 undeniably complicates a real estate professional’s career in California. The potential for a suspended, revoked, or denied license makes it imperative to understand the gravity of how such offenses are viewed by the California Department of Real Estate. However, by actively engaging with legal experts and taking responsible rehabilitative actions, individuals can navigate the challenges posed by a DUI and work toward maintaining their professional licenses. Utilizing the expertise of an Orange County DUI attorney can be essential to secure a more favorable outcome. Ultimately, staying informed and proactive is key to ensuring a DUI does not permanently derail a promising real estate career.